Sunday 28 June 2015

Bootable Ubuntu Operating System #Software Method

About Ubuntu:
Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning "Humanity to others" And also means I am 'what' I am because of who we are all
Linux family was formed in 2004 but free software was not a part of everyday life for most computers
So Mark Shuttle worth ties to bring all small developers under Ubuntu family and they are set out to create
easy to use Linux Desktop: Ubuntu

Ubuntu is Virus Free.
If You are using Ubuntu then Viruses,malwares can't even dare to touch your system
It is easy to use User interface
And it is free software
Easily Install and Ope-ratable
All Functions and programs like all other operating systems are working properly 100%

Do you one thing about UBUNTU.

It is called programmers "operating system"

In Ubuntu Systems we can't find viruses.Because Unix didn't allow virus.
Fatal : Because the main reason is Mostly all around world computers having either Microsoft
or mac So hackers are interested to develop about their platforms

apart from this

Use LILI USB creator to make boot able Ubuntu pen-drive

If you are a windows user then you are also use Linux alongside or dual boot.

So This is the post to flash a u.s.b into a portable/boot-able Ubuntu operating System

Download the LILI U.S.B creator Software from Here
Download ISO image file from official site Here

 And Now follow the Steps.....

Step : 1

Run the LiLi.exe

#2 Choose USB key ---Select USB

#3 Click on ISO/IMG/ZIP

#4 Select Your ISO File.

After that give a persistence value : see the image below

 #5 Uncheck Hide created files on key
      Check Other two Options
Finally Click the "Start creation of Linux USB "
An warning dialogue window appears then allow it (yes)to complete the process
That's It Then your USB has A Ubuntu portable Operating System

               1)Virus Free (Don't need any software for suspicious and critical malwares)
               2)Open-Source (So No need to worry about License and License Keys)
               3)Portable and Dual Boot
               4)Simple GUI (Programmers Operating System)
               5)No data Loss

                Watch video Here

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